Sunday 21 April 2013

Toudo Aki *Extra*

Let's try and get those last 7 pictures.



Missing panels-


The "be really nice route"-


Day 2 Mizoguchi's room, sleep- Different here

Day 3 Entrance hall, sleep

Day 4 Flower Garden, sleep

Day 5 2nd floor hallway, sleep

Day 6 Toudo's room

I'll join you- offer to wash, sleep

Day 7 main gate, friends, sleep

Day 8 Toudo's room, Help,

Day 11 Toudo's room, sleep, You really are a nice guy!

Day 12 Flower Garden, sleep

Day 13 Toudo's room, Let Toudo pick, sleep

Day 14 Toudo's room, Boxer is your calling, sleep

Day 15 main gate, call for help, Help with weight training

Toudo's enough

Day 16 Toudo's room, Night: main gate

Day 17 Toudo's room, sleep - Different here

Day 18 Toudo's room, sleep

Day 19 Toudo's room, sleep

because i'm your master- not sure it matters which you pick

Bad ending-  bwuahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaaha- sweet ending though

Of the endings I have so far this one is quite nice, not sure why it was classed as bad.

Sayaka route- lets go to school


Day 2 days entrance hall, sleep

Day 3 days Flower Garden, sleep

Day 4 2nd floor hallway, sleep

Day 5 Toudo's room, Have fun, sleep

Day 6 University, sleep

Day 7 main gate, I'm the boss, sleep

Day 8 Toudo's room, Watch, sleep

Day 11: University, sleep

Day 12: Flower Garden, sleep

Day 13 University, piss her off, sleep

Day 14 Toudo's room, let toudo pick, sleep

Day 15 Toudo's room ,butler, sleep

Toudo's enough

Day 16: No action- Different

Day 17: No action- Different

Day 18 University, I hate you, sleep

Day 19 No action

Day 20  University, sleep

Day 21 main gate, Try to persuade, Help with weight training, sleep

Day 22 Toudo's room, main gate

Day 23 Toudo's room, sleep

Day 24 Toudo's room, sleep

University- additional scene- bad ending
I'll start a new character later today or tomorrow.


  1. Lol, I did a "bad" Ichinose ending, but it was so adorable xD

    but, I am still missing three pictures...hmm... for Toudo route..

  2. Me too. Bit sure how to get them, I figure I'll do the other routes and see if they are there. Otherwise the guide I'm using is incomplete too. Vn's are such hard work. Unsure how keima Kun shoes this for fun. (the world god only knows)

  3. Me too. Bit sure how to get them, I figure I'll do the other routes and see if they are there. Otherwise the guide I'm using is incomplete too. Vn's are such hard work. Unsure how keima Kun shoes this for fun. (the world god only knows)
