Friday 28 August 2015

Amnesia Memories Ukyo's Route!

Completed. The original guide is located at 
Good End


変な子が見える…… I see a strange looking kid.
ちゃんと理解できたけど……No, I understood.
わかりました…… Alright...
それなら、ありがたいかな…… I appreciate it
多分そうだと思う…… I think so...
考え過ぎじゃない……? You might be overthinking it...

次へ / ジョーカーの世界 Joker World

オリオン…… Orion....
何も思い出せない…… I can't remember anything
全選択肢 All choices
うん、急ごう Yes let's hurry
そうだね、早く見てみよう Right, let's hurry and look.

◆ 8 月 1 日
行動制限されると困るから、だよね It's because I'd be limited right?
知りません I don't.
わかりました Okay.

SAVE 1- reload for opposite choice to get bad end

やめと I'll pass.
信用できると思う I think we can trust him.

◆ 8 月 2 日
3分前まで寝てました Until about 3 minutes ago.
いつも通りです No, I feel fine.
私、外ですか……? Sounds good to me.
マニュアルってどこにあるの?Where is it?

◆ 8 月 3 日
どうして助けてくれたんですか What did you save me?
いません No
ごめんなさい、忘れました I'm sorry, I don't remember.

◆ 8 月 4 日
ウキョウさんは大丈夫でしたか? Were you alright Ukyo?
一緒に帰りませんか Would you like to come over?
大丈夫、ありがとうございます I'm fine, thank you.

SAVE 2- reload, choose alternate for bad end

わかりました Sure.

◆ 8 月 5 日
ないです No
わかりません I don't know
来てないです No I haven't.
平気です I'm fine.
どうして未来がわかるんですか How can you predict the future?
前も手を繋いだことがありましたか Have we  held hands before?
説明が中途半端です Your logic doesn't make sense...

◆ 8 月 6 日
おかえりなさいませ、ご主人様 Welcome home Masters!
ごめんなさい。選べません Sorry I can't decide.

◆ 8 月 7 日
サワはリカのこと知ってたっけ?Sawa did you know Rika?
一応……信じてみる I guess I do.
ウキョウさんは大丈夫ですか? Are you alright Ukyo?
なぜ教えてくれたんですか Why did you tell me?

◆ 8 月 8 日
目的はなに? What would his purpose be?

SAVE 3- Load this one and take the other option for another bad end

行かな I'll stay home
お茶でも飲んでいきませんか Would you like to come in for tea?

◆ 8 月 10 日

SAVE 4 Load this save for Bad end 1. Remember if you're achieving the bad ends as you go then you can always over write them
Scroll down for Bad End 1 route.

離してください Let me go
しました Yes
さっきのは冗談です I was just kidding.
起きてる時なら? So can I approach you when you're awake?
ホームレスなんですか? Are you  homeless?
あなたは私をどう思っていますか? How do you feel about me?

◆ 8 月 12 日
ウキョウさんに相談してみる I'll talk it over with Ukyo

◆ 8 月 13 日
やめたほうがいいかな Maybe we shouldn't go...?
少し、ウキョウさんが気になる I'm a little worried about Ukyo.
会いたいんだと思う I think I should.
あなたに会いたかったんです I wanted to see you

◆ 8 月 14 日
大丈夫、気にしないで Don't worry about it.

SAVE 5- play other choice for bad end then reload- This bit carries on into the day after. I followed the comment about the fanclub with Ukyo's scary. You then discover- never give Touma even an inch.

ただのイタズラだと思います I think it was just a prank
もっと知りたいと思う I want to know him more

◆ 8 月 15 日
どこか出かけよう  Yeah let's go out.
ウキョウさんのいそうなところとか How about places where Ukyo might be?
訴えてもいいですか? Should I sue you then?
別に嫌じゃないのに But I wouldn't mind...
泣いてましたよね Weren't you crying that one time?

◆ 8 月 16 日
日本の一般常識とか大丈夫ですか? Are you accustomed to Japanese culture?

◆ 8 月 18 日
ここでお話しませんか? Why don't we stay here and talk?
近づかなければいいんですよね As long as I'm not near you, we're good, right?
話し相手、私じゃダメですか? Would I not be good enough to talk to?
それだけの理由ですか?Is that the only reason?

◆ 8 月 19 日
出かける Let's go outside.
アウトドア好きなんですか? Do you like the outdoors?
私の家で仮眠しますか? Would you like to nap at my place?

◆ 8 月 20 日
神田川公園に行こうかな Maybe I'll go to Kandagawa Park
私は見てたら駄目なんですか?So I can't look at you at all?

◆ 8 月 21 日
茗荷大学に行ってみよう Let's go to Myouga university (Choosing Seichi does present an entertaining scene between sawa and kent though)
ちょっと気になって I was just curious...

◆ 8 月 22 日
メールしましたよね?Did you text me earlier?

◆ 8 月 23 日
行きたい I want to go
うちに来ませんか Would you like to come over?
……やめといた方が良かったかも ... Maybe I shouldn't have.

行かないで、ここにいて Please dont go.

◆ 8 月 24 日

SAVE 7 - Choose I'll try and witness a bad end.

……話さないでおこう No, I think it's better to keep it from him.

◆ 8 月 25 日
ウキョウさんが気になる I'm curious about Ukyo.
……それは…… Because....

SAVE 8- Normal end load here- I can't forgive him- achieves- Do you know Ukyo?

ウキョウを許します Forgive him.

Congrats you got the Good end of the whole game.

してません No...
起きてる時なら? So can I approach you if you're awake?
ホームレスなんですか? Are you homeless?
私はあなたを好きだったんですか? Did I use to have feelings for you?

◆ 8 月 12 日
ウキョウさんに相談してみる  I'll talk it over with Ukyo.

◆ 8 月 13 日
やめたほうがいいかな Maybe we shouldn't go...?
うん yup, yup
家にいよう  We should probably stay inside.

◆ 8 月 14 日
大丈夫、気にしないで Don't worry about it.
ただのイタズラだと思います I think it was just a prank
ちょっと、怖いと思う I think he's a bit Scary

◆ 8 月 15 日
家にいよう  Let's stay home today.

◆ 8 月 16 日
日本の一般常識とか大丈夫ですか? Are you accustomed to Japanese culture?

◆ 8 月 18 日
適当に歩いてきます I just feel like walking around.
それだけの理由ですか? Is that the only reason?

◆ 8 月 19 日
出かけない I'll stay inside.
うん、またね Okay later.

◆ 8 月 20 日
冥土の羊に行こうかな Maybe I'll go to Meido no Hitsuji
モテるんだね You sure are popular.

◆ 8 月 21 日
西池大学に行こう Let's go to Seichi university
お友達が増えました I've made friends.

◆ 8 月 22 日
メールしましたよね? Did you text me earlier?

◆ 8 月 23 日
気は進まないけど…… I don't really want to go but...
うちに来ませんか Why don't you come over?
大丈夫だよ It'll be fine.

LAST SAVE choose 行かないで、ここにいて Please don't go and watch bad end 2 then reload and proceed. It's very similar to a previous bad end in the good route but it does show up as a different ending so don't worry if it feels familiar.

はい、そうしてください Okay, that sounds good

◆ 8 月 24 日
……話さないでおこう No, I think it's better to keep it from him.

◆ 8 月 25 日
死の運命って何だろう I wonder what 'fate of death' means.
彼はそんなことしない He would never do that

Congrats you just achieved your final ending. You will now have those missing Shin and Toma images as well.

There's just one thing left to do now. You will notice you have two trophies left. The platinum for getting everything and one other that mentions listening to all voices on the photos. It's the most tedious trophy in the game so someone else already did the hard work for us.

To view the guide please visit I have nothing to do with this guide but I'm extremely grateful to the writer who helped me finish this game. It should allow you to enjoy the voices rather than tapping furiously.

Congratulations, you got a platinum.  

I'll be uploading this as one guide to gamefaqs soon.

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