I apologise I have issues smiling for cameras. Just ask my dad.
The only way I ever lose weight is through games. I did it once before, long ago before college, using Wii Fit. This involved 1 hour of exercise a day that boiled down to 3 sessions of 5 minute step aerobics, 1 10 minute hula hooping session, maybe the boxing if I felt like it and 20-30 minutes of free running. Over a 2 month period this knocked off 1.5 stone.
For those of us who have experienced UK college or university workloads will understand how much weight you can pile on through a semester, let alone the full year. So the 13st whatever weight I got down to came back with aplomb and now I have to start again. This time I thought I would document it so I can keep up momentum as well as covering the games I'm using to do it.
There are 3 right now.
Wii Fit U. Ubisoft Your Shape Fitness Evolved (UYSFE) and Zumba (Wii U)
Hopefully what I tell you about each game now (including routines) will help myself and anyone else struggling to pick a programme or put routines together.
I will start with Zumba World Party since it's probably the most straightforward.
Do you see that image above? Do you see how pretty it is? Zumba uses a blend of beautiful backgrounds from around the world with attractive people exercising in front of them. These are people dancing at a variety of levels, if you can't copy the person in the center then by all means look at the back ones once they have appeared (By doing well you get more people on screen)
Zumba World party is the easiest, not because of the level of exercise, but because of how the workouts are divided up. You can choose between 20/40/60 dependent on what time you have available and you can choose between easy, medium and hard routines. I would say that the hard routines are only marginally harder but the sole reason I don't use this game as my main source of exercise is because at 14st it could possibly finish you off. If you have good leg muscles and a decent level of stamina dive straight in and get this. It comes with a hip strap but I really do wish they had it on the UK eshop, like the american one, because most people have their hip caddy from the original version.
There isn't much to say about the workouts themselves. It uses lively music and involves a lot of dance integrated exercises that keep your body moving. If you like zumba in the class you'll love it at home too.
Beware of Russia: This doesn't happen to everyone but I have found ever time I hit the russian dance level something goes wrong and it crashes. It either does it at the end of his routine, which is disheartening, or the other day when I accidentally paused the game from my hip. Do not touch anything if this track appears in the routine. It could well be my wii U or it could well be Ubisoft (as a lot of us already know).
Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a game called Personal fitness trainer by Ubisoft that you could run on PC. Then it became My Fitness Coach on the wii. You can tell they are the same by the main instructor Maya (which I have to admit I quite like and it's nice to see they haven't abandoned her) and now it has been absorbed into the Your Shape Fitness evolved mould.
There are a range of exercises:
Zen (relaxation)
CardioThe most interesting thing about these is that they are all doable. Even the sit ups. Unlike the predecessors to this game it will never ask you to do press ups in the main routine. I've never come across them. All exercises are achievable and more importantly all the exercises work different body parts and you will sweat and feel it even if you only do 15 minutes. My personal preference is to set the game to 2 days a week programme of weight loss and then for the rest of the week you can choose random workouts. I heavily suggest that if you buy this game (which can be picked up for £3-7 here) you unlock all the harder workouts from the shop. This way you can select longer routines that work all the different body parts and get you sweating in no time. My only problem is that I ran out of things to unlock.
I heavily suggest you use the yoga as none of it is impossible like some of the wii u options.
Stamina building will try and kill you but it does work and is very good for you.
Dance I'd say pass on, they aren't fun enough nor feel like they are working enough areas to be beneficial.
Fighting is also useful as well as the range of warm up routines.
If you really hate choosing to begin with, try the program option for 4 days a week and you'll get an idea of which exercises you like. I have gained enough stamina from this game to be able to perform zumba again.
Your shape fitness evolved is not a perfect game, it never will be unless ubisoft put the effort in to make longer workouts that are beneficial because after the 15-30 minutes are up you'll probably find yourself so tired you want to turn off for the day. Like Zumba they should give you time choices. Nobody has realised yet that consumers hate choice regarding actual exercises, especially if something in the routine looks hard but may help them so take the choice away and they may actually try to do the exercise.
Wii Fit U is the latest incarnation of the Wii Fit brand. It's added a few games on top of the original, such as the traditional Japanese sport of water cannons you can see above. They've also added harder modes to the step aerobics that you should seriously avoid like the plague. Why they thought blocking out the moves to make you think about it would be better, I have no idea. In my case it almost killed me as I constantly went to fall off the wii balance board because I was hesitant.
I can promise that I have lost weight with the original wii U before and I managed to lose 1.5 stone. 9kg? (2.2lb per kg) and I did it using this workout:
3x step aerobics plus basic (this is the harder mode from wii plus)
10 minute hula hoops (normal, not plus, this adds arm twirling)
10 minutes of boxing.
20 minutes or more of free running.
If you do that for one hour per day the weight really comes off you and so far I've found it really hard to go back to wanting to. Wii fit doesn't make it easier to create routines I would actually like and some of the routines it offers make me wonder why it matched the exercises together. It's especially annoying when it says "that's a lot, don't hurt yourself" I wish that it was fun and challenging but if you get into a rhythm it really does work.
Other people have suggested:
Wii fit plus:
Sun Salutation
Downward facing dog
Cobra chair
Spine extension
Rowing squats
Grounded V
Jack knives
Rowing Squat
Rowing Squat
Arm and leg lift
Parralel stretch
Rowing Squat
Workout Arms and Core-
Basic Run- Long
Super hula hoop- 3 min
Single arm stand
Push up and side plank
Torso twist
Rowing squat
Plank, or plank challenge
Downward facing dog
Half moon
Advanced step
Tricep extension
Sun Salutation
Workout: Legs
Basic run- Island lap
Standing knee
Single leg extensions
Sideways leg lift
Sideways leg lift
Sun Salutation
Workout: Core body
Basic run
Super hula hoop 6 minutes
Sun salutation
Plank Challenge
Torso Twists
Arm and Leg Lift
Spinal Twist
Shoulder stand
Half moon
Finish with crunches.
10 Minutes of rhythmic boxing
5-10 cycling
5-10 flying chicken
5-10 basic run plus
5-10 step routine
5 min super hula
and 5 of obstacle course.
The biggest addition to the game is the wii fit pedometre which you don't really need but at £20 it's useful and you can get it in the wii fit bundle too.
It measures how many steps you take and also your altitude and lets you input them into the game. It's not completely accurate but it's nice to know when you are doing a little bit more.
The routines, aside from my own, have been gathered from:
Here , here and here
If you like their routines, please let them know. Also some information regarding weights is on the sites too so it's worth a look.
Hopefully in a few months I'll come back having lost weight and talk about them all in more depth, but I don't want to keep you all day.