Friday, 26 April 2013

Hadaka Shitsuji The remaining butlers and endings. Komine, Arisato, Mizoguchi and Extra!

I've had a holiday this week from work, today I woke up at 10am and spent the whole day till now- 00:47 fixing the guide and testing it all. It is finally over. OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. There are still imperfections but I will explain them more at the bottom. 

* Komine Ryoji *

Day 2 Kitchen, sleep
Day 3 kitchen
I lied to him
No.09 to recovery → BAD END I revealed my theory to him
Day 4 kitchen, sleep
Day 5 kitchen
Hit him, night Room of Komine
No.08 to recovery root → BAD END to wait and see
Day 6 kitchen, sleep
Day 7 kitchen, gay?,sleep
Day 8 kitchen, As if!, sleep
Day 11 kitchen, sleep
Day 12 kitchen, I like the formal talk
night: Komine's room- Ignore it and leave
Day 13 kitchen, sleep
Day 14 kitchen,it's tasty, something weird, sleep

"Getemono" the translator literally translated it into romaji, apparently it means "Something weird" or bizarre

Day 15 kitchen, Bitter melon, daikon, everything in sight, sleep

I put a guard dog
to No.03 · No.18 recovery route I → BAD END only Todo

Day 16 No action
Day 17 No action
Day 18 kitchen, sleep
Day 19 No action
Day 20 kitchen, sleep
Day 21 No action
night: I stabbed (CG no difference) → BAD END No.10 storeroom → knife or fork
recovery of No.10 is OK on any given day if between the 25th-21st.

Performing this ending brings you to the cannibalism tag. If you wish to click through this one please do, I chose fork...why oh why did I choose fork.

Day 22 backyard,I'll pass,  sleep
Day 23 No action
Day 24 No action
Day 25 No action
Day 26 storage room, sleep
Day 27 kitchen, night Room of Komine
Day 28 ​​kitchen, sleep (this game really does cover every type of perversion)
Day 29 kitchen,
Myself/komine, I chose myself and got good ending 23

Tomoaki not know when to give up → BAD END No.04 thing / Komine's No.23 was necessary → about yourself The most illogical ending you will see yet.

choosing komine gets you AN EXTRA CG and elusive ending 4 again.

BAD END No.09 recovery route

Load SAVE1
I decided to confide this hypothesis: the 3rd
Day 4 kitchen
Day 5 kitchen
I see how
Room of Komine: night
Day 6 kitchen
Day 7 kitchen
Gay people?
Day 8 kitchen
The visible so I just Komine's
Day 11 kitchen
Day 12 kitchen
Komine's not like
I open the door of the room → Komine: night
Day 13 kitchen
Day 14 kitchen
Day 15 kitchen
For CG differential recovery, please choose also onions to save.
(I will be recovered in the event Sayaka 3P recovery root)
Day 16 No action
Day 17 No action
Day 18 kitchen
Day 19 No action
Day 20 kitchen → BAD END No.09 Fleur du Soleil

BAD END No.08 recovery route

Load SAVE2
Day 5 wait and see , night Room of Komine
Day 6 kitchen, sleep
Day 7 kitchen, actor, sleep
Day 8 kitchen, As if, sleep
Day 11 kitchen, sleep
Day 12 kitchen, it doesn't suit you, sleep
Night Komine's room, ignore
Day 13 kitchen → BAD END No.08 Shin Maeda Earl House WTF!??????

BAD END No.03 · No.18 recovery route

Load SAVE3
Day 15Can I Just Todo
Day 16 No action
Day 17 No action
Day 18 No action
Day 19 No action
Day 20 kitchen, sleep
Day 21 No action
Day 22 backyard, sure why not, sleep
Day 23 No action
Day 24 No action
Day 25 no action
Day 26 storage room
Day 27 kitchen, night  Room of Komine
Day 28 ​​kitchen, sleep
Do not change

room → BAD END No.03 maturity end of ants → change

It is surrounded by vegetables and Dad No.18 room → BAD END No.03 maturity end / backyard → BAD Day 29 END Sakuma  Extra cg but ending 3.

Sayaka 3P event recovery route

Day 2 kitchen, sleep
Day 3 kitchen, Lie to him, sleep
Day 4 University, sleep
Day 5 kitchen, sleep
Day 6 University, sleep
Day 7 kitchen, As if! , sleep
Day 8 No action
Day 11 kitchen, sleep
Day 12 kitchen, I like the formal talk, night Room of Komine
Ignore him and leave

Make sure you use another save to walk in on him, none of the routes cover it.

Day 13 university, Piss her off, sleep
Day 14 kitchen, sleep
Day 15 kitchen, tasty, something weird, sleep
Toudo's enough
Day 16 No action
Day 17 No action
Day 18 University, I hate you,  sleep
Day 19 No action
day 20 University, sleep
day 21 No action
day 22 no action
day 23 No action
day 24 No action
day 25 University, sleep
day 26 kitchen
Dick- another new cg

Day 27 Kitchen You have too much kindness your kitchen BAD END No.01

* Arisato Kazuma*

Day 2  second floor hallway, Night: bathroom

Day 3 entrance hall, Leave him be
No.15 to recovery root Sayaka 3P event recovery root · BAD END
Day 4 kitchen, talk to Komine, sleep
Day 5 second floor hallway, watch and wait, sleep
Day 6 2nd floor hallway, I thought they were annoying ,sleep
Day 7 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 8 kitchen, as if, sleep
Ignore him and go to sleep
Day 11 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 12 2nd floor hallway, yeah that'll never happen sleep
Day 13 Room Ari, sleep
Day 14 Room Ari, Ask about his trauma, sleep
Day 15 backyard, sure why not,  sleep
Hire bodyguards
Day 16 entrance hall, sleep
Day 17 2nd floor hallway, Looks clean, sleep
Day 18 Room Ari , sleep
Day 19 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 20 Room Ari , give him a spirit injection, sleep
Day 21 Room Ari , sleep
Day 22 backyard, the fuck is wrong with you, sleep

(Komachi 3P event)
 (I get the impression I shouldn't be thinking this CG is cute nor comparing it to metal gear solid)

Day 23 2nd floor hallway, It'd look better on me

No.04 to recovery root → BAD END you do not change
Day 24 bathroom, sleep
Day 25 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 26 Room of Toudo , sleep
Day 27 No action
Day 28  No action
Day 29 no action
No.25 blissful darkness → end

Arisato and Tomoaki are twisted little... this may be the most disturbing love story in far.

BAD END No.04 recovery route

Load SAVE2
Day 23 Don't change
Day 24 Sakuma's room , sleep
Day 25 kitchen, sleep
Day 26 No action
Day 27 No action
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 No action

 Tomoaki not know when to give up → BAD END No.04 stubborn blah

BAD END No.15 recovery route

Load SAVE1
Day 3Ari hallway- Help him, sleep
Day 4 kitchen, talk to ari, sleep
Day 5 second floor hallway, say something, sleep
Day 6 2nd floor hallway, thought arisato looked cute, sleep
Day 7  Flower Garden, sleep
Day 8 kitchen, As if! sleep
Embrace him
Day 11 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 12 2nd floor hallway, keep trying, sleep
Day 13 Room Ari, sleep
Day 14 Room Ari , Ask about Mr. Kamishiro, sleep
Day 15 Mizoguchi room (There's no one in it but it's clickable), sleep
Install surveillance camera
Shake one's head (same ending regardless) → BAD END No.15 Kazuma machinase

Sayaka 3P event recovery route

Load SAVE1
Day 3 Leave him be
Day 4 University, sleep
Day 5 kitchen, talk to komine, sleep
Day 6 University, sleep
Day 7 2nd floor hallway, thought they were annoying, sleep
Day 8  kitchen, as if, sleep
Ignore him and go to sleep
Day 11 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 12 2nd floor hallway, yeah that'll never happen, sleep
Day 13 University, piss her off,sleep
Day 14 to do nothing
Day 15 to do nothing
Toudo's enough
Day 16 No action
Day 17 No action
Day 18 University, I hate you, sleep
Day 19 No action
Day 20 University, sleep
Day 21 Room Ari , sleep
Day 22 No action
Day 23 No action
Day 24: No action
Day 25 University, sleep
Day 26 No action
Day 27 No action
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 backyard, sure why not, sleep
 → BAD END No.03 maturity end

* Mizoguchi Toyoji *

Those weirdoes watching you at university, all explained in this route.

Day 2 Mizoguchi room, sleep
Day 3 Mizoguchi room, sleep
Day 4  University, sleep
Day 5 Room of Mizoguchi , sleep
Day 6 University, sleep
Day 7 Do nothing
Day 8 Room of Mizoguchi , sleep
Day 9 do nothing
Day 10 Sakuma room, get mad at both, sleep
Day 11 University, pacify her, sleep
Day 12Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 13 University, I like you too, how tight you are, sleep
Day 14 Mizoguchi room, sleep
Day 15 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Any choice is fine.
Day 16 No action
Day 17 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 18 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 19 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 20 University

I hope my boyfriends body looks like that when he's Mizoguchi's age...I wish it looked like that now, lol.
Look for an exit
Follow Mizoguchi → you are quiet you / resistance ← CG recovery Yes. Please look both always. It is OK to quit after seeing.

Alert the Police → BAD END No.17 protection

Direct translation from japanese website. You can peruse it at your own will here. I think whomever made the guide in the first place is amazing and diligent. We should all visit their site in thanks of the work they put in. I have merely run through the whole thing and corrected options for the english translation.

One last route below and it's all over. Phew!

* Naked Butler Extra *
That you have to play 21 to 25 ending is the entry conditions.
Combination of the route entry does not apply in these statements.
However, please be sure to select because there is CG recovered only Sakuma.
"Extras" is displayed on the title screen If you clear this route. (No choice)
By viewing this extra, ending No.27 is filled.

This route contains all the most perverted parts of each butlers storylines. Be warned. It also answers some questions.

Day 2 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 3 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 4 Sakuma room , sleep
Day 5  Flower Garden, sleep
Day 6  2nd floor hallway, Is it a really a storeroom?, sleep
destroy the door→Just break it already BAD END No.20 Squashed
Day 7  kitchen (another door hmmmmm), it's an elevator, sleep
Day 8  Mizoguchi's room (empty again), I've seen it before, sleep
Day 9 Tomoaki in the room between sakuma and mizoguchi,  sleep
Day 10  back door, (look for tomoaki by the kitchen) sleep
Day 11 Mizoguchi room (is unmanned), It's wonderful,  sleep
Day 12 Sakuma room , sleep
Day 13 Room Ari, sleep
Day 14 Room of Toudo , sleep
Day 15 Flower Garden, sleep
Toudo's enough
Day 16 kitchen, sleep
Day 17 2nd floor hallway, It'd look better on me, sleep
Day 18 Room of Todo , sleep
Don't change them
Day 19 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 20  kitchen, sleep
Day 21 Flower Garden, scratch him, sleep
Day 22 Room of Todo , sleep
Day 23 Sakuma room
Undid his jacket x 2
I took off the bow tie
I put my hands on his belt
Day 25 Sakuma room , sleep
Day 26 Sakuma room , sleep
Day 27 Sakuma room
Remove the Oral Fixation / Do not remove
There is the difference. Please look at both.
Day 28 Sakuma room , sleep
Day 29  Flower Garden, sleep

The lord wants to meet. So this is how much gameplay it takes...
OMG CREDITSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I think this has taken me well into the 20 hours to check it all. Weeps with joy.

Ending No.26 naked butler

Remember to click the new EKUSOTORA button

Even at the end of all this there are still missing endings and missing cg's if you have the patience to find any of them post in the comments, if not then I hope you enjoyed the story

Hadaka Shitsuji Ichinose route complete

* Ichinose*

Day 2 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 3 days Flower Garden, sleep
Day 4 Flower Garden,
Night: Do not visit ichinose's room until the 10th unless otherwise stated or you won't get to see him at all.
Day 5 Flower Garden

Japanese dance? Unexpected, sleep
or koto. 05.07.16 to recovery root → BAD END Flower arrangement? suits you

Day 6 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 7  Flower Garden, sleep
Day 8 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 10 Ichinose's roomLet Sakuma handle it, sleep
Day 11 Room of Ichinose , can't believe it , sleep
Day 12 Room of Ichinose, sleep
Day 13  Flower Garden

I'm angry
No.01 to recovery root → BAD END Heart was pounding
, sleep
Day 14 Flower Garden, Let me get someone to help, sleep
Day 15 Room of Ichinose, Night: Flower Garden
Install surveillance cameras.
Day 16 Flower Garden, scratch his chest, sleep
Day 17 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 18 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 19  Flower Garden, Put them in a vase (Don't try this at home, EVER)
Day 20 Flower Garden, sleep

Day 21 Flower Garden, sleep
to kitchen → Komachi 3P event recovery route,

Day 22 Flower Garden, Do not go to help

No.4 to recovery root → BAD END you do not change

Day 23Room of Todo , sleep
Day 24 Room Arisato, sleep
Day 25 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 26 No action
Day 27 No action
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 No.22 → Happy ending...sort of

BAD END No.01 recovery route

Load SAVE2
Day 13 heart was pounding, sleep
Day 14 Flower garden- I'll do it myself
Day 15- Ichinose one last time
Ending 1- Too kind. - Worth doing, you gain one more cg.

BAD END No.4 recovery route???Somehow!!

Load SAVE3
Day 22 Don't change them
Day 23 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 24 kitchen, As if!
Day 25Mizoguchi room
Day 26 No action
Day 27 No action
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 Back yard. I'll pass

No idea what the difference is with this one, it says bad end number 4 in the japanese guide but I just tried all options and still go the good ending. Post in the comments if you find out the mystery.
Tried it with choosing the other option for komine, followed by I'll pass and sure why not. I'm stumped on this one.

BAD END05 · 07.16 recovery route

Load SAVE1
Day 5 Or koto Nifty!, sleep
Day 6 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 7 days Flower Garden, sleep
Day 8  Flower Garden, sleep
Day 10 Room of Ichinose, I'll nurse him myself

Two Pills
Do suppository to get bad end 5+ 1 cg see below

Day 11 Room of Ichinose, Believe it, sleep
Day 12Room of Ichinose , sleep
Day 13 Flower Garden, I'm angry, sleep
Day 14 Flower Garden,I'll do it myself, sleep
Day 15 Room of Ichinose, sleep
Install surveillance camera

Day 16 Ichinose's room, Fine,  No.07 → BAD END  SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Doesn't matter if you answer yes or no.

BAD END No.05 · 16 recovery route

Load SAVE4
Day 10 This is a suppository
Day 11 Mizoguchi's room , sleep
Day 12 Mizoguchi's room, sleep
Day 13 University, sleep
Day 14Mizoguchi's room, sleep
Day 15 Mizoguchi's room , sleep
Toudo's enough
Day 16 No action
Day 17 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 18 University
Day 19 Mizoguchi room , sleep
Day 20 University, Pacify her, sleep
Day 21  No action
Day 22 Mizoguchi room , sleep

Drink it yourself → BAD END No.16 self-destruction - Immediate end

BAD END No.05 recovery route

Load SAVE5
Day 22- Tell him I do not need it, sleep
Day 23 No action
Day 24 No action
Day 25 University, I like you to, Your personality
Day 26 No action
Day 27 University, sleep
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 No action → BAD END No.05 You're on your own now
I dub thee- THE CLEAN  and straight STORY ROUTE

Sayaka 3P event recovery route

Day 2 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 3 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 4 University, sleep
Night Ichinose's room
Day 5 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 6 University, sleep
Day 7  Flower Garden, japanese dance, sleep
Day 8 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 10 Night ichinose, Let sakuma handle it
Day 11 University, piss her off, sleep
Day 12 Room of Ichinose, believe it, sleep
Day 13 University,I hate you, sleep
Day 14 Room of Ichinose , sleep
Day 15 Flower Garden, I'm angry, sleep
Toudo's enough, sleep
Day 16 No action
Day 17 No action
Day 18 University, sleep
Day 19 Flower Garden, I'll do it myself, sleep
Day 20 University, sleep
Day 21 Room of Ichinose → BAD END No.01
Komachi 3P event recovery route

By this point all CG's are filled at least

Load SAVE6
Day 21 kitchen, As if, sleep
Day 22 backyard, Sure why not, sleep
Day 23 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 24 Flower Garden, save him
Day 25 Sakuma room, sleep
Don't change them
Day 26 No action
Day 27 No action
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 backyard, What's fucking wrong with you
It is not know when to give up Tomoaki → BAD END No.04 Stubborn Tomoaki

A bitter sweet ending but at least we found where ending 4 was hiding.
I'll provide a link to the japanese guide (after I finish) for if anything is missing or you just want to see the original documentation. Ichinose was a really long path way, I can't even imagine doing this by trial and error...

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Roku, Crunchyroll, and Free Drama's!

I'm going to report on a few things that I've found out and haven't found anywhere on the net.
Anyone with a Crunchyroll account and a Roku box can log into their account- providing they are at least paying for an anime subscription  can then access the drama section and watch non premium only shows (which on the american side is most of them) WITHOUT any adverts.

But there are no drama worth watching on the english Crunchyroll - I hear you cry- Akumu-chan aside- you would be correct. This is where Unlock Us comes in, for £3.50 a month you can use hulu, netflix (9/10 different area content), crackle and many many more websites.
Crunchyroll isn't on their official list, anywhere, but rest assured it works. Your best bet, buy a decent router that you can change the DNS server on and it will correct all applicable sites on all devices in your house.

Last point of tech for today-

I just bought a Netgear router WND4500 (N900) and had a few hiccups. I found one roku forum page that says roku 2 works with the N900 router so I gave in and bought it. Beautiful router, but when it came to using netflix, hulu, crunchyroll, etc, after initial setup, it just wouldn't work. Roku was down despite showing an excellent connection rating, ps3 apps were down and I sat there softly weeping into my elbows. Then I tried to log into Netflix on my PC and it sent me to the Unlock Us website, turns out as I changed device my ip reset and all devices were trying to run through the dns server and couldn't.

So me dumb dumb.

I'm passing on these words of wisdom for anyone who sits there relentlessly trying to research any of these topics.

p.s I used to use as it allows you to use it at 2 different houses but crunchyroll isn't included on it for a reason they won't explain

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Hakuoki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi does an Atelier Totori on PSN!

I think Askys must be having an off day. They released Hakuoki (sequel thing) for PSP/PSVITA in the UK or I'm guessing- Europe.
Not so long ago they released this game on psp in america but people were complaining that they could not get it onto their Vita's.
Now, facing no applause or announcement, what-so-ever, they release the worst of the 2 hakuoki psp games onto the european systems without letting anybody know about it until they scour the new PSN updates. Apparently us in europe don't like reading- pft...
This may have worked out well for Atelier Totori which is part of a series and many of us were willing to shell out £35 for it (insane considering I already own it on ps3) and here they put out a title that has had no release of Demon of the fleeting blossom, which most of us know to be a VN most of us imported, meaning most other gamers will have no clue what it is.
The game play is like Dynasty warriors but, for the love of god, do not set it on easy, enemies just stand still and take it. It has anime cutscenes, it has the original Hakuoki story without all the reading as well as an additional story to entice people to buy it.
The game is just shy of £20. Go watch some videos for it and make your own assumptions before you buy it but if you've been waiting for it? It's here, and they told no one.

p.s I'll probably buy it after payday so I can look at hijikata in hd.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Hadaka Shitsuji Walkthrough- Sakuma Kyoichi

 Well that took longer than I thought. If you've followed my toudo route you will already have some of the endings, feel free to check ahead and avoid redoing the same things. It'll save you some time. Sakuma's story is kind've sweet but kind've dull and doesn't have so many alterations  as Toudo's. Once again though, we're missing 3 panels. If I don't find them by the end but you guys do feel free to put them in the comments.

In my game you can't skip pre watched scenes until ichinose appears. Then you skip like mad.

Day 2 Sakuma's room, sleep (Am I the only one who finds the word butlerliness amusing? Why not                                                                  butlerishness.)
Day 3 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 4 Sakuma's room, get naked
(save at the options and try the others now or later)
Night: Sakuma's room
Day 5 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 6 Sakuma's room, Get mad at both of them, sleep
Day 7 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 8 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 11 2nd floor hallway, Leave him be, sleep
Day 12 2nd floor hallway, piss him off more, return the photo, sleep
Day 13 Sakuma's room, what he's wearing is fine, sleep
Day 14  bathroom, sleep
Day 15 Sakuma's room, surveillance camera, sleep (Filth over 9000)
Day 16  kitchen, As if, counter-clockwise
Day 17 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 18 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 19 Sakuma's room, Go after him, sleep
Day 20 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 21 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 22- Mizoguchi's room- take it yourself, would love to be a fly in the wall when they decided this scene- Bad end 16

In the japanese translation of the guide it mentions a hotel room but it doesn't match up with the game so I will put as many routes as I discover.
Day 22- mizoguchi's room- dont take it

refresh day 22- Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 23-sakuma's room, won't be sleeping?- It lets you select or 4 options, no choice
Day 25- sakuma's room
Day 26- change uniform, sakuma 2nd floor hallway , sleep
- or don't change- go to the kitchen- bad end 3- maturity
Day 27-Arisato's room, sleep
Day 28- Toudo's room, sleep
Day 29-  nothing- long ending- save alot No.21 The directors afternoon DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN!

Vegetable ending again. Not sure why they put the route for him and toudo in because nothing new is added by doing this bit. The routes here if you need it though.

Load SAVE2
Day 22  backyard, sure why not
Day 23 Sakuma's , sleep
Day 25 Sakuma' room, Do not change
Day 26 Sakuma's room , sleep
Day 27  kitchen
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 backyard

New route-
Day 2 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 3 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 4 Sakuma's room, kiss, night sakuma's room- very kawaii
Day  5 Sakuma's room Night: bathroom, I don't need it
Day 6 Sakuma's room, Take Sakuma's side, sleep
Day 7 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 8 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 11 2nd floor hallway, I'm worried too, sleep
Day 12 2nd floor hallway, I return the real photo
Day 13 Sakuma's room, Make him change
Day 14 bathroom, sleep
Day 15 Sakuma's room, sleep
Toudo's enough
Day 16 kitchen, As if, sleep

Day 17 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 18 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 19 Sakuma room, chase,  sleep
Day 20 Sakuma's room
Too much kindness route if you continue this way so back to 17.

Load SAVE3- If you did toudo's creepy guy ending do not bother- nothing different
Day 17 Sakuma's room, Night backyard
Day 18 Sakuma's room, Night: Terrace

Day 19 Sakuma's room, Chase, Night: click creepy guy
Day 20 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 21  
No.19 Dominant room  Master forever

Sayaka/Sakuma route

Day 2 Sakuma's room, sleep
Day 3 Sakuma's room, sleep
Room Sakuma: night
Day 4 University night, sakuma's room
Day 5 Sakuma's room, write my paper for me, sleep
Day 6  University, sleep
Day 7 Sakuma room, Get mad at both of them, sleep
Day 8 bathroom, sleep
Day 11 University, piss her off, sleep
Day 12 Sakuma's room , sleep
Day 13 University, I hate you, sleep
Day 14 nothing
Day 15 nothing, I put a guard dog, sleep
Day 16 No action, counter clockwise, sleep
Day 17 Sakuma room , sleep
Day 18 University, sleep
Day 19 Sakuma room, sleep
Day 20 University, sleep
Day 21 No action
Day 22 No action
Day 23 No action
Day 24 No action
Day 25 no action
Day 26 No action
Day 27 No action
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29 do nothing → BAD END

Steams' Anti VN Stance! Or at Least Its' Communities!

A new game has popped up on Steam Greenlight. Steams new service for getting the public to approve niche games coming onto its "network." Basically enough people approve it and say they will buy it, they will let you. This weeks cannon fodder is called- Princess Battles.

You can view the game here and obviously over on steam.

The art isn't heart thumping amazing and it has a card game attribute which could be off putting for many but we all know we are starved of otome games here in the west. The last game Steam let slip through was Cherry Tree High Comedy Club, well over 6 months ago. Each time a VN appears we are greeted with these "swell comments"

"I'm pretty sure the developers would lose more money than they would make with this game. A very small fraction of the steam community plays games like this, not enough to make a substantial amount of money. Just sayin."

"All these japanese pop culture games appeal to only a specific part of the steam community. The rest of us truly have no intrest in game like this, sorry."

"This game should be put into a potato sack, lit on fire and beaten before being tossed into the lake, So no."

On the one hand, maybe they are realistic, and there are many more comments like them, but what we need is to get all the VN lovers and otome fans to migrate to steam and approve as many of these kinds of games as we can. 
There's no reason we can't have our own section on steam and if you get popular on there it can only encourage more people to bring otome games over. They already do the eroge games quite happily but games that are aimed at women with no sex are a no no for some odd reason. 
By no means am I blaming Steam for the way the community react to otome, most often it's their chromosomes getting in the way, but they could help. One day.

Go approve, and in the meantime go check out zeiva's demo for X-note as their next game, Area X, is coming out sometime soon. If this area grows in the west, maybe someone will bring over Uta Pri. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Toudo Aki *Extra*

Let's try and get those last 7 pictures.



Missing panels-


The "be really nice route"-


Day 2 Mizoguchi's room, sleep- Different here

Day 3 Entrance hall, sleep

Day 4 Flower Garden, sleep

Day 5 2nd floor hallway, sleep

Day 6 Toudo's room

I'll join you- offer to wash, sleep

Day 7 main gate, friends, sleep

Day 8 Toudo's room, Help,

Day 11 Toudo's room, sleep, You really are a nice guy!

Day 12 Flower Garden, sleep

Day 13 Toudo's room, Let Toudo pick, sleep

Day 14 Toudo's room, Boxer is your calling, sleep

Day 15 main gate, call for help, Help with weight training

Toudo's enough

Day 16 Toudo's room, Night: main gate

Day 17 Toudo's room, sleep - Different here

Day 18 Toudo's room, sleep

Day 19 Toudo's room, sleep

because i'm your master- not sure it matters which you pick

Bad ending-  bwuahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaaha- sweet ending though

Of the endings I have so far this one is quite nice, not sure why it was classed as bad.

Sayaka route- lets go to school


Day 2 days entrance hall, sleep

Day 3 days Flower Garden, sleep

Day 4 2nd floor hallway, sleep

Day 5 Toudo's room, Have fun, sleep

Day 6 University, sleep

Day 7 main gate, I'm the boss, sleep

Day 8 Toudo's room, Watch, sleep

Day 11: University, sleep

Day 12: Flower Garden, sleep

Day 13 University, piss her off, sleep

Day 14 Toudo's room, let toudo pick, sleep

Day 15 Toudo's room ,butler, sleep

Toudo's enough

Day 16: No action- Different

Day 17: No action- Different

Day 18 University, I hate you, sleep

Day 19 No action

Day 20  University, sleep

Day 21 main gate, Try to persuade, Help with weight training, sleep

Day 22 Toudo's room, main gate

Day 23 Toudo's room, sleep

Day 24 Toudo's room, sleep

University- additional scene- bad ending
I'll start a new character later today or tomorrow.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Hadaka Shitsuji Aki Toudo Good ending!

* Toudo Aki *

Day 2 entrance hall, sleep
Day 3 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 4 2nd floor hallway, sleep
Day 5 Toudo's room, Have fun, sleep
let him wash you → BAD END NO.11
Day 6 Main gate, I'm the boss, sleep
Day 7 Toudo's room, sleep
Day 8 Toudo's Room, You're so embarassing, sleep
Day 9 Garden, Watch him, sleep
Day 10- sleep= no choice
Day 11 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 12 Flower Garden, sleep
Day 13 Toudo's room ,Store Clerk, sleep
Day 14: Toudou's room,Butler is your calling, sleep
Day 15: Main gate, Try to persuade him, help him with weight training
Mountain training- bad ending
Toudou's enough
Day 16: Toudo's room , sleep
Night: main gate
Day 17: Toudo's room, sleep
Day 18: Toudo's room, sleep
Day 19: Toudo's room , sleep
Day 20: Sleep

Select Toudo for every day after this. Change the uniforms. Select sleep toudo isn't an option.
Bad end- Ambition

Day 21: Kitchen, As if???, sleep
Tsu you know!!
Day 22: Backyard (Aoki), Sure why not! sleep
Day 23: Toudo's room, sleep
Day 24: Toudo's room, sleep
Day 25: Toudo's room, sleep

Save here- play no action on all days unless aki is in the backyard.
Choose "No way (paraphrased)"- Bad end- surrounded by vegetables and dads.

Reload last save-

Day 26- Toudo's room, sleep
Day 27 No action, Do not change
Day 28 ​​No action
Day 29: backyard- no frigging way- new scene
reload- say sure
Enjoy the end!

Yattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! God this VN malarky is alot of hard work, and there are still 7 panels missing. I found the japanese guide and I'm working through it and fixing any errors from google translate so at least now it's easier once I've guessed which option is which. Hope this helps people. This route was bloody tough.